Advice for the Gr 6s

Don’t be afraid about the amount of work or the difficulty of it. As long as you pay attention you will get the concept of it and you will be able to finish it in no time at all. But if you do struggle then just ask the teacher for extra help and come in early. You should also join lots of sports and activity’s if possible because they can be lots of fun and you will become more athletic if you are not already. Do your home work because you will get tallies and that is not good to get because you will miss out on really fun games and activity’s if you strikeout.  Don’t be afraid ask for help from your peers either because they can be lots of help. This really helped me because when I didn’t understand something or didn’t know how to spell something I will just ask them for help. Try to sit by someone who will not bother you and distract you and if you do get stuck with that person and you cant concentrate just ask the teacher to switch seats with someone.

This is my advice to the Gr6s. Hope it helps.    

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